Sunday, March 27, 2011

Weekend Wrap-Up

Well, another weekend over. This one, like so many, went too quickly. I spent Saturday skiing at Vail with Silas and Amanda. After my first trip to Vail I will admit it was probably my least favorite mountain...that first day wasn't much fun...but this Saturday was much better so I guess I can't totally cross Vail off the list yet. Saturday was warm and it was spring skiing at its best (after a few inches of fresh snow the night before).

I decided to not ski today since I woke up to snow and wind...what seemed like lots of wind. Of course after I decided not to ski the sun started to come out and it warmed up a bit so it probably wouldn't have been so bad. Back in Denver I ran some errands, did some laundry, typical weekend stuff.

Let's hope this week goes quickly and the weekend is here again soon!


  1. HI molly - a sewing idea i cam across while researching polymer clay !

  2. Thanks for the idea Marg! I'm always on the look out for good projects! Of course right now I'm just trying to get better at straight lines! :)
