Monday, July 5, 2010

Pics from the 4th of July

Holiday Weekend - Over :(

Well the long weekend is rapidly coming to an end. Boooo, every weekend should be three days! I had a great time at the Cherry Creek Arts Festival on Saturday (it was hot and I did get a bit of a burn). Sunday I went up into Frisco for their "Fabulous 4th of July"....Saxtons River it is not but I did have a good time, watched the parade and ate some junk food. I ended the evening watching fireworks from my balcony. This was a big surprise since I had figured I would miss all the fireworks displays. Today was spent doing chores and running errands. All in all a good weekend, just wish is could last longer.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Summer is here!

HOT in Denver today!!! My car said it was 95, tomorrow it's supposed to be in the 70s, phew! I ended up with a pretty nice partial sunburn today at the Cherry Creek Arts Festival. The Festival was great, lots of really wonderful things...too bad my budget wasn't higher, I could have taken home lots and lots of things! Still plotting the rest of the holiday weekend but off to a great start so far.