Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day

Three cheers for three day weekends! One of my friends came to town to visit and we had a blast doing...not much HA! It was very low key: brunch, dinners out, a movie, the botanical gardens and cocktails on my balcony while eating pizza. It's great to spend a weekend with a friend and just relax.

The Denver Botanic Gardens are beautiful (I promise to post pictures later). With all the rain we have had lately and then a few quick days of sun, everything was in bloom, including a giant section of Lilacs. Lilacs are some of the best smelling flowers ever and I could have sat there smelling them pretty much all day. The only down side to the gardens was that it was a little overcast when we left the house so I didn't have on's not a bad burn but I defiantly "got sun".

The weather man is calling for 90s by Thursday so it appears that Memorial Day is going to live up to its reputation as the unofficial start to summer. Bring it on!
Hope everyone had a wonderful Memorial Day!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Bobby Visits

My uncle Bobby was in Colorado for a couple weeks and spent a few nights with me. On his last night in Denver (before his late flight) we took in a Rockies-Mets game. It was a warm night, our seats were great (thanks to our law firm!!!!) and the Rockies won!

Odds and Ends

A few odds and ends...

I finished my elephants, here are the finished products, they now reside with two (in my opinion very lucky) little girls.

Amanda's Bachelorette Party - Vail
A few quick pics from the weekend. Amanda and her bridesmaids - Megan, Sally and Tammara

Let the party begin!

Vail, April 30, yup, last day of April and it was snowing...

Home For Easter

I went home for Easter, it was great to see my family and some of my friends. It was too short of a trip to see everyone (sorry Boston peeps!) but at least I got in some Vermont love.
I got to visit Grandmommy.

I enjoyed some delicious Switchback at PK's

A few "shots" from Easters

And some Easter Art

Where do people find the time?

I have been so bad about blogging because, well, I've been very very busy. I can't believe it's already May, I fell like it should still be March. Luckily today is a rainy day, a true rainy day so my motivation to get to the gym was non-existant so I'm trying to catch up on the blog. Denver's version of a rainy day is really more clouds with a few showers here and there. Last night a storm came in complete with thunder, lightning and pouring rain; if I didn't know better I might think I was in Vermont! It's also been raining ALL day which is good because while the mountains are at 160% of normal snow pack, Denver is beyond dry.