Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Look At What I Made!

So everyone has a vice and my current vice is sewing! Last night was my pillow class and I'm very happy with the (almost) finished product. I say almost because the pillow cover is a little big for my pillow form so I'm planning to make it a little smaller for a better fit. Luckily making something smaller is much easier than making something bigger! Here is the pillow looking lovely on my couch. Too bad it looks awful with my living room chair so it probably won't be on display in my living room....but it might look good in my guest room.

My pillow has a zipper, yes, I put it in myself, and it even works as evidenced by the open and closed photos.

Now that I know I can make a pillow I'm very inspired! Sewing is so much faster than knitting and it's great to have a completed item in less than a few weeks or months.

I stopped at Fancy Tiger today to pick up a fabric I saw the other day. I knew there wasn't much left and I wanted to get some before they were out. I searched and searched and thought it was gone until I told the clerk what I was looking for and he said "I think we just put that in the remnants bin"...and there it was...at 30% off. YEAH! I love a sale! Oooooohhhhh, aaaaaahhhhhh. Maybe I'm just mildly obsessed with the upcoming royal wedding but I think it's a fun print. I'm not sure exactly what I'm going to do with it. It's 1.84 yards so that's a good amount to work with. I think it would be super cute with a crown applique but I don't know how to do that yet...I'll have to figure out a good project for it.

I also found this gem in the remnants bin, just slightly more than a yard, but might be good for a pillow...
or if I figure out how to do a quilt it might be cute in that(for reference, the pillow I made last night took a half a yard). Looks like I have more learning and practicing to do!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Weekend Wrap-Up

Well, another weekend over. This one, like so many, went too quickly. I spent Saturday skiing at Vail with Silas and Amanda. After my first trip to Vail I will admit it was probably my least favorite mountain...that first day wasn't much fun...but this Saturday was much better so I guess I can't totally cross Vail off the list yet. Saturday was warm and it was spring skiing at its best (after a few inches of fresh snow the night before).

I decided to not ski today since I woke up to snow and wind...what seemed like lots of wind. Of course after I decided not to ski the sun started to come out and it warmed up a bit so it probably wouldn't have been so bad. Back in Denver I ran some errands, did some laundry, typical weekend stuff.

Let's hope this week goes quickly and the weekend is here again soon!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


On my way home tonight I stopped at Fancy Tiger to pick up some fabric for my sewing class next week (Sewing 201 - Throw Pillow). They tell you you can just get your supplies when you show up for class but I can't make decisions that fast! Fancy Tiger has tons of great things and I really think I could take home all of it if I had enough skill to use it! After spending over 30 minutes perusing their delicious fabrics I settled on two. The colors are a little more bold than the pictures but the light in my apartment isn't great and the flash on my camera was too bright on the fabric.

And this:

I had my heart set on a Liberty of London fabric but then I checked the price...at $38 per yard (yikes!) I need to be a bit more confident that whatever I'm making won't just be a blob!

I also picked up this book

because the woman at the store said it was a good one to start with. I'll let you know how it is!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Weekend Wrap-Up

Busy busy weekend, how is it possible that it's already Sunday night???

I made a big purchase this weekend, here it is....

I'm very excited and I've already been practicing. First I practiced the stitches to get a little used to the machine.

Then I made a glasses case like the one I made in a sewing class a couple weeks ago. This photo shows the one I made today of the left and the one from class on the right. I think my first one was better! Guess I need more practice!